• Dickens "Coketown", from Hard Times
In the country
Many died, especially kids. Few went to school. The priest was the only source of info.
Nearly everyone worked on a farm. They made their own clothes & tools. Work animals (horses, oxen, donkey). Made some things to sell: making thread on a spinning wheel, weaving.
In town
Customs: Norrtull, Skanstull, Hornstull (“innanför tullorna”)
Guilds (for craftsmen): tailor (who wore a shirt), shoemaker, hatmaker (Alice in Wonderland), smithy, mason (Free Masons) bricklayer, wagonmaker.
Markets were in town.
Population explosion due to:
Better agricultural methods gave larger harvest. Potatoes.
Fewer died of smallpox (smittkoppor) - vaccination
No wars after Napoleon.
UK doubled pop under 1st half 19thC
People moved to town to look for work
Industralizaton (1700s UK, 1800s Europe)
Cotton from America
Mass production
From machines made of wood to those made of iron.
Raw materials (coal, iron ore - järnmalm)
New roads, canals, ships. RR steam engine. Steam ships.
Postage stamps mid 1800s. Telegraph under Atlantic. Telephone.
Workplace hazards
- Unions